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ODLA presented to the students of Palermo and Milan

ODLA is particularly suitable for students of music institutes: the keyboard will be presented this week in Palermo and Milan.

Among ODLA’s many features, the keyboard is also suitable for a wide range of end users. Including students of music institutes or music schools.

ODLA, in fact, is a keyboard particularly suited to learning music: the input system with the embossed staff recalls the traditional aesthetics of musical writing and represents the link between innovation and traditional music writing.

In addition to the embossed staff, which is also the distinctive element of ODLA, the keyboard possesses all the necessary features to digitally write a composition or an arrangement; and to edit it, thanks to ODLA’s dedicated functions, which allow complex processing of the musical work without significant slowdowns.

This is why, during the week, Kemonia River is visiting two music institutes, in Palermo and Milan, Italy. The goal is inform students – and professors – of the great potential of the keyboard.

On the 3rd of June ODLA was presented at the Regina Margherita music high school in Palermo whose education program is linked to the Music Conservatory of State “Vincenzo Bellini” of Palermo since 2001.

On the 7th of June, instead, ODLA will be presented to the students of the LIM, Laboratory of Musical Informatics, which is one of the main laboratories of the Computer Science Department of the University of Milan.

ODLA: designed by musicians, for (today’s and future) musicians!