It has been almost two years since the day we launched ODLA on the music and educational market.
Every now and then we like to look back to observe our achievements, what went well and what we can improve.
This is always a very inspiring time for us because often, in the hustle and bustle of each day, we only dwell on the gaps that need to be filled and ignore all the small and big successes we have achieved along the way.
Today, during an ODLA Team meeting, we focused on these successes with great amazement.

Yes… because our dream is coming true.
Every day there are many musicians writing music for Theater, for Cinema, or arrangements for their own Choir or Orchestra, or music teachers preparing exercises or arrangements for their students’ essays… All this using ODLA.
But the thing that excites us most is its use within schools.
We often receive testimonials and thanks from support teachers who have achieved incredible results with blind or autistic pupils; or even from music teachers who have seen their dyslexic and dysgraphic pupils improve significantly and fall in love with music (some of them now want to be music composers).
Here, this is what we mostly dream of:
We dream that ODLA will help all pupils fall in love with Music, thanks to the contribution of digital and innovation, but always keeping a strong connection with tradition, which we have represented with our Three-Dimensional and clickable musical staff.
We dream of seeing classes composed of pupils with and without Special Educational Needs collaborating using the same instrument.
This is Inclusion. This is ODLA.
ODLA is the fruit of a dream …
… The dream of an increasingly inclusive Music Teaching, accessible to everyone.