ODLA: Italian Patent

On 2 March 2020, Ministry of Economic Development granted to Kemonia River PATENT FOR INDUSTRIAL INVENTION N. 102017000146502. It was related to “Keyboard writing music scores”, a device which is characterized by the “Musical staff in Relief” that can be directly clicked to insert notes on one’s digital score.   The ITALIAN LICENSE awards the…

November 2019: ODLA in Turin and Chieti

ODLA’s next dates: 2nd e 3rd of November – “Soundmit”, Turin, at the beautiful Arsenale della Pace. 23rd e 24th of November – “Musica in Fiera”, Chieti, at Camera di Commercio Industria e Artigianato. Workshop, concerts and presentations of new products that are going to go in the Music World Market from the next 2020. ODLA Music You Can Touch invites you…